Where is Samsia Hassani?
She said that she was staying in Kabul, That no one was going to kick her out. That she was going to stay to fight for her rights. Now no one knows where she is.
Samsia is a universal artist. I tell you. I am not an art critic but art fills my soul and I do not know how to live without it, so I have the same right to say that as anyone. She is one of the best of the 21st century. She does not have the stroke of Picasso or her visual strength, she does not have the color of Matisse, or the strength of Goya, or the perfection of Velazquez. But she is certainly not a lick or a bluff like so many contemporary artists who fill the galleries because millionaires need more valuable paper money. She knows how to integrate her drawings into the urban physiognomy like no one else. Making the environment part of her work in an original and brilliant way. Her drawings are full of pain but unbelievably empty of hatred. And those three things are enough to find us before a universal artist. She dares to draw what no one dares in front of whom no one dares.
I don't know where you are, Samsia, but please don't get caught. This world is a worse place without you and it needs your work. And above all he needs your courage. Take care, please.