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Should women reject or support the war in Ukraine and the defense of Europe and Western values?

I confess that as a woman, feminist, democrat and liberal I have a hard time making up this decision.

There is a World War underway, with its epicenter in Ukraine and ramifications in the Middle East and the China Sea.

Although most of us escape the violence that accompanies conflict and are comfortable on our couch mulling over “never another war”, a global axis has formed that has thrown the world out of balance.

On one side we have Putin, Xi Jinping and the pariahs Iran and North Korea.

In detail, Putin, with his nostalgia for the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, began working in 2000 with the intention of ending the democratic West he believes to be weak and decadent. He invaded Ukraine for the first time in 2014 and then in 2022 and will keep it going while no one stops him "Hitler's way". Xi Jinping is determined to make China the world leader of tomorrow, through trade and, if necessary, through some coercion. At Kazan last October, the rogue states of Iran and North Korea, and a few others, came knocking on the door of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), being true some of these share several alliances simultaneously and are determined to jump to the winning side of the camp.

On the other side we have the Western Allies, where Germany has lost most of its reference points (it no longer has Russian gas, it no longer has the Chinese market, it no longer has the American umbrella, it has no will to fight… ), the United Kingdom loses its footing in the preferential alliance with the United States, has no weight in Europe, and is confusingly blocked, Italy calls itself Atlanticist but is waiting to see where the Atlantic is, France cannot even govern itself, as more fighting others, Spain emerges with a significant weight of women in the reins of power, is however too far from where the action is, Hungary does what Trump and Putin say. The United States turns to the Pacific (and I would do the same if I were American) and runs the risk of becoming a dictatorship itself - vade retro Satan!

Public opinion is divided, but the conservative, religious and revanchist right is growing on all sides and soon we could have anti-women parties and governments in several corners of the West, with the left not being a decent option, especially since we got here because of the extremes left drove us.

Under the pretext of war and with the ultra-conservative and religious right-wing in power, there is a real danger of reducing the powers of democracy and women, which these right-wingers are not ashamed of claiming and do not hide.

Women are naturally against any war, because they are naturally in favor of life. They are among the first to be raped when they are caught on the front line, and it is their children who die every day. As a woman I should be against war and support anti-war parties. However, being against the war and supporting anti-war advocates is supporting Putin and running the risk of being ruled by an undemocratic Russia.

As a democrat I will be in favor of doing what the sovereign people determine and as such as a democrat I have to accept Trump and the right-wing forces that win elections step by step.

As a feminist and liberal I cannot accept the obtuse left or the ultramontane right!

Nowadays, it is more difficult than ever to make choices. And yet... we got to.

Before being a democrat and a liberal, I was born a woman and it is my duty to defend women's rights. First of all, I have to be against all movements that could in any way undermine women's freedom, equality and achievements.

Could this mean that I have to support left-wing groups that are as stupid as right-wing groups that would attack democracy at the first opportunity?

But the fact is that without democracy there will be no more opportunities for women and so we must first fight for democracy, fight so that the extreme right and left do not take power.

The exercise of choice and decision has to be more by exclusion.

Those who do not support women we must exclude and fight.

We must exclude and combat those who may threaten democracy.

Those who may come to condition freedom (of expression, gender, market, opinion…) we must exclude and combat.

With this grid, from which we objectively removed the war supporters, the question remains:

Should we reject all war supporters?

Or should we support war when it is for the defense of women's rights, freedoms and democracy?



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