What is the synonym of SLUT for men?
A man who has no-strings-attached sex with several women is a stud. A woman who has sex with several men is what? It's a whore. Why?
A man who likes bohemian life is a "bon vivant". A woman is a slut. Why?
A man who does not look to means to achieve his goals is a dominator, he has the aura of being powerful and ruthless. A woman with that profile is just a bitch. Why?
And so on...
Why there are so many so-called double standards for men and women that continue to serve us all as a rule today?
Women are all called sluts, whores or bitches in whatever language when they have sex with more than one man! the bottom line is that I would like to know what the male synonym is? Its obvious non-existence (and I say “obvious” because you really have to rack your brains and even be a little elaborate to come up with potential synonyms) is in itself a sign of these double standards that continue to apply. And that unequivocally condition the freedom and opportunities of some, while enhancing the privilege of others.

Make yourself different.
Have fun and
Refuse double-standards.