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Shall we play strip poker?

And do you know the original and real meaning of decks of cards?

There we go.

The fifty two cards represent the 52 weeks of the year.

The two colors, day and night and the world's bipolarity.

The four suits are the 4 seasons (summer=diamonds, autumn=clubs, spring=spades, winter=hearts), with 13 cards per season.

The twelve image cards, jacks, queens and kings, represent the 12 months.

Adding up each of the cards in the deck (Ace+Ace+Ace+Ace+2+2+2+2+3+3...) we get 364 days, those of the year.

The deck of cards was an agricultural calendar that told us of the weeks of the months and the seasons of the year.

With each new season, started the week of the King, followed by the week of the Queen, the Knave, and so on, until the week of the next Ace, which changes the season and starts a new color.

Jokers were used to match leap years and the 365th day.

Now that you know, then we can play strip poker


our own Amazon's deck of cards


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