As you may know, October was Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and Claire_B_dO gave us an excellent article on the subject which is a must-read for everyone, if you haven't already… here is the link:
This article is just a reminder to my transgender sisters and brothers of the importance of self-examination and screening; if you are trans, you need to be breast-aware. Here is some important information (in quotes) from the Canadian Cancer Society:
"As a trans woman, do I need to get screened for breast cancer?" "Taking gender-affirming hormones (like estrogen) for more than five years increases your risk of developing breast cancer. If you’ve taken hormones for more than five years, and you’re between the ages of 50 and 69, you should get a mammogram (or other screening test)" at minimum every two years. "As a trans man, do I need to get screened for breast cancer?" The short answer is YES. The Canadian Cancer Society goes on to say that whether you've had top surgery or not, it doesn't preclude the necessity to be vigilant. If you're a trans man between 50 - 69, you should get a mammogram or appropriate screening at minimum every two years. There are particular challenges to making breast cancer screening a priority, not least among them the lack of access to knowledgeable practitioners, that the process may be at odds with your gender identity, and general lack of awareness. The Bottom Line When it comes to breast health (and health in general), be your own best advocate. If you're a trans person, be aware that not all medical professionals are adequately educated on the medical needs of transgender people, nor the latest data. If you're being followed by a physician, they should have informed you of the need for self-examination and screening...if they haven't, it's time to have a candid discussion with them about it. If on the other hand, you're not being followed by a physician, PLEASE, find a trans/LGBTQ+-friendly clinic nearest you and make an appointment.