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As already stated in the previous issue, this October we continue with criticism from more clubs. For a complete explanation of how the notes are made and their meaning see the article corresponding to the September issue of this year.

Just remember that the global flight is done with an average where the music is valued more than the decoration and the animation more than the entrance. How much is a little secret, the notes are like this

Between 0 and 3. Don't go Between 3 and 5. It's a mediocre club, but you might like it Between 5 and 7. It is a good club if you like its theme or its type of music Between 7 and 8 It is a very good club. One of the best options once you enter RLC. Regardless of whether its theme is one of your favourites. Between 8 and 9. If you enter RLC it will probably be the best option. Between 9 and 10. A simply extraordinary club. You're taking time to go.



ENTRADA : When I entered one person greeted me, and I don't think he belonged to the club. Purple doesn't even appear. But the decoration is pretty and appropriate and you don't have to go crazy looking for the glowies. 5/10.

ANIMATION: There is simply no animation. But it's not the kind of club that needs it either. That is why I will not give it a score as low as it would have been at this point. 6/10.

MUSIC Old music. Much Jazz. Nice and stylish music. Very quiet. There are very few sites in RLC like this. A little treasure. But it is not the best JAZZ compilation music 7/10.

DECORATION : The club is a shoebox. I do not go into how the hotel is because that is not the object of this critique but it is a well made shoe box, with a lot of style. And it is basic when it comes to evoking the atmosphere that the club wants to evoke. 7/10.

Global Notation : 6.1


ENTRADA : When you enter they shower you with greetings. Purpie too and she is very nice. You receive a lot of people who see that they are spamming 10/10.

ANIMATION : Local does not stop. The 17 dance groups are dancing, waving and joking all the time. There are gifts. We know how we could do better.10/10.

MUSIC: The music is good. But it is not special. Known songs. Just the kind of music you need in a very popular party. 7/10.

DECORATION. The deco is just enough to have little lag. Correct and understandable decision. But you can't score high. 6/10.

Global Notation : 8.6


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