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During one of the many times that I was attacked by the boot monster, I took advantage to request an interview, and he accepted. He is Utherverse's best-known personality (sorry Brian but that's the way it is) and the one who is mentioned the most frequent in conversations. There is no one more popular.

The boot monster is a boy who looks like he has never broken a plate in his life. With a silly face, his finger up his nose, looking at my tits throughout the interview. He doesn't have the look a girl would dream of on a date. Eva_dO: Where are you from, how old are you...? BM: I was born in 1997, in Ultima Online, then I was attacked by some programmers and I had to install World of Warcraft. There I was persecuted and harassed until I found Utherverse. Eva_dO: How are you enjoying your time in utherverse? BM: I'm happy here, the programmers don't attack me and I can kick all the asses I want without anyone bothering me. Eva_dO: Are you always in utherverse? BM: Nooo, sometimes when another software releases new patches I go there on vacation, but I always return home. Eva_dO: Why do you kick so many asses? BM: Because I am the BM, you silly girl. Another question like that and I will finish the interview !!! If I didn't kick butts I wouldn't be happy, (I lower my skirt and expand my breasts!!!) Eva_dO: Tell me someone you especially would like to kick. BM: I would like to kick Brian, but he connects little and he is very protected .. Also I know that it is something that does not interest me. If I did, he could launch programmers against me. Eva_dO: Who is the person you have kicked the most? BM: We have not said any names before the interview. It was at a wedding I kicked the girl 15 times during the ceremony. They had to kick the guests out of the room in order to get married. In the end I got tired and left her. It almost made me sad. Eva_dO: Is there someone you feel sorry for kicking but you still do it ? BM: It makes me especially sad to kick some old ladies who play in a rock group called "las gatitas", or something similar. Any day someone might get a heart attack when I send her out the door; given her old age and health. Nonetheless  I have a reputation to uphold and I will show no mercy. Eva_dO: Is there someone you especially like to kick? BM: Yes, I like sexy brunettes with big tits and long legs (I sneakily squeeze my bra until my eyes pop out of my face, I roll my eyes for the rest of the interview and try to look like an old women renegade) BM: I was not thinking of you silly girl ! Eva_dO: What can we do to help you kick more asses? BM: You have to use old computers, with little ram. If possible with a single processor, slow hard drives and if it is below an i3 I love it. Eva_dO: Thank you very much for the interview. BM: No thanks. Take a kick. At this point he booted me.


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