As already stated in the previous issue, This november we continue with criticism from more clubs. For a complete explanation of how the notes are made and their meaning see the article corresponding to the September issue of this year.
Just remember that the global flight is done with an average where the music is valued more than the decoration and the animation more than the entrance. How much is a little secret, the notes are like this
Between 0 and 3. Don't go Between 3 and 5. It's a mediocre club, but you might like it Between 5 and 7. It is a good club if you like its theme or its type of music Between 7 and 8 It is a very good club. One of the best options once you enter RLC. Regardless of whether its theme is one of your favourites. Between 8 and 9. If you enter RLC it will probably be the best option. Between 9 and 10. A simply extraordinary club. You're taking time to go.
Too long. I do not knew if I will have a problem at the end. I will not describe the surprise here. It is not totally new but very nice. More than 5 peaple told me wellcome. They makes to me feel home when I connected
ANIMATION. A lot of salutatiom. Several games to wins rays. The DJ_Lissy_SBA was doing a big effort speaking with dostorsioned voice. Animation is good. 8/10
MUSIC. Music without complications. But nice and funny, Old disco music and old rock classical songs. The best at RLC ?? No. but not bad. And sometimes I want something single.8/10
DECORATION. The deco is very galactic. But It is not a woooow. The entrance is the best. It is happy and usefull. You feel home when you are in a party, I like it but I do not love. 7/10
Correct. Polite. Some Peaple salutes me, and there is a big room wth all sponsors at the wall before to acces to dance floor
The animation is nice Dark Angels are working to do them best. 7/10
MUSIC. Rock music. Classic old style. Nice but without risks. The Dj has a nice voice but she do not use it to much. Saam_Cobain is the DJ 8/10
DECORATION. Deco is perfect for the activitity selected but not special room. One more in RLC.