hello [[MEMBERID]] welcome to my zaby
You need a welcome message sign for your zaby?
add this to a sign - add flash control url: "http://hosted1.zyberwerx.net/uthertech/ticker.swf?msg=Hello [[MEMBERID]]. Welcome to my place.&clr=D08080&bgclr=006080&spd=8&fsize=24" Displays a scrolling text message.
Usage: Place the URL shown above into a Add Flash Control script. Add any of the following parameters to the URL: Optional Parameters: &clr = Hexadecimal RGB text color value (ie. 0809A0) Default: E0E0E0 &bgclr = Hexadecimal RGB background color value (ie. 0809A0) Default: 000000 &spd = Text scrolling speed (1 - 20) Default: 10 &fsize = Text font size (6 - 38) Default: 32 &space = Number of trailing spaces after text (1 - 84) Default: 24 &config = External XML config file URL (see example here) Include [[MEMBERID]] in the message to display visitor names. courtesy of viegoth