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Amazon sisterhood continues to grow with more than 40 members now. Considering being an organization outside the mainstream it is in fact a unique and substantive growth. Last members to be admitted were Kat_Mystique_dO, Lauren_dO, Sky_BlueEyes_dO, AlmaMaria_SOL_dO, JennyBeth_dO, and Wind_dO (former VentodiMare).

The Amazons, also known by the dO girls tag are a free women’s community that strive to follow the ways of mythical Amazons. They are independent, self-confident, majestic, evolved and affirmative Alpha women. They are free, not subjected to anyone or anything being strong and proud as were their mythical ancestors.

A recurring posed question is about the dO lettering meaning. The "O" stands for the Circle, the most perfect geometric form there exists, representing the ONENESS, the POINT, the UNIVERSE and the GREAT GODDESS, mother nature our creator. Everything starts from a point and grows from that simplicity to a bigger creation. dO girls also tend to gather in circles and to expand those circles with the introduction of new elements.

The "d" is no more than the lever that supports and turns the O, the wheel of life, the infinite circle of creation. It is the voluntary action of proactively generating and creating the future by living the present and learning from the past.

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